
Индекс PHP токенов для Emacs и выше

Я уже давно использую Emacs в качестве основного редактора. Многие люди предпочитают IDE, но мне никогда не было удобно с ними. Мне нравится возможность показывать список классов и функций в файле. Emacs может использовать ctags для генерации списка токенов для файла, но я не очень доволен его выводом.
Как вы, вероятно, знаете, PHP имеет смешное количество функций для всех видов вещей, и, как это бывает, token_get_all предоставляет доступ к токенайзеру Zend Engine. Другими словами, тот же кусок кода, который использует сам PHP при чтении файла .php. Это обеспечивает отличную базу для написания скрипта, который может анализировать ctags .

Так что без лишних слов: ~/scripts/tokens.php анализирует файл и печатает найденные в нем классы и функции. Также печатается небольшая выдержка из любых докблоков, которая предшествует предмету. Это делает для хорошего содержания.

 <?php if (!defined('T_UNSPECIFIED_STRING')) { define('T_UNSPECIFIED_STRING', -1); } function token_get_all_improved($data) { $tokens = array(); $line = 1; $col = 0; $level = 0; $scope_level = null; $in_scope = false; foreach (token_get_all($data) as $token) { if (is_array($token)) { list ($token, $text) = $token; } else if (is_string($token)) { $text = $token; $token = T_UNSPECIFIED_STRING; } if ($token === T_CURLY_OPEN || $token === T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES || $text === '{') { ++$level; if (is_null($scope_level)) { $scope_level = $level; } } else if ($text == '}') { --$level; if ($in_scope && $level < $scope_level) { $in_scope = false; } } $tmp = $text; $num_new_lines = substr_count($tmp, "n"); if (1 <= $num_new_lines) { $line += $num_new_lines; $col = 1; $tmp = substr($tmp, strrpos($tmp, "n") + 1); if ($tmp === false) { $tmp = ''; } } $col += strlen($tmp); if ($token === T_INTERFACE || $token === T_CLASS) { $in_scope = true; $scope_level = null; } $xtoken = new StdClass(); $xtoken->type = $token; $xtoken->text = $text; $xtoken->line = $line; $xtoken->col = $col; $xtoken->blockLevel = $level; $xtoken->isClassScope = $in_scope && !is_null($scope_level); $tokens[] = $xtoken; } return $tokens; } function docblock_excerpt($str) { if (preg_match('~*{2}[sn*]+(.*)~', trim($str, '/'), $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } } function transform_tokens_to_list($tokens) { $buffer = null; $docblock = null; $results = array(); $access = '+'; foreach ($tokens as $token) { switch ($token->type) { case T_PUBLIC: $access = '+'; break; case T_PRIVATE: $access = '-'; break; case T_PROTECTED: $access = '#'; break; case T_DOC_COMMENT: $docblock = $token->text; break; case T_INTERFACE: case T_CLASS: case T_FUNCTION: $buffer = $token; $buffer->access = $access; $access = '+'; break; case T_STRING: if (!is_null($buffer)) { $buffer->isMember = $buffer->isClassScope || ($buffer->type != T_FUNCTION); $buffer->docblock = $docblock; $buffer->name = $token->text; $results[] = $buffer; $buffer = null; $docblock = null; } break; } } return $results; } function list_to_table($results) { $view = array(); $last = null; foreach ($results as $token) { if ($last && ((!$token->isMember && $last->isMember) || (in_array($token->type, array(T_INTERFACE, T_CLASS))))) { $view[] = array('', '', '', '', ''); } $last = $token; $view[] = array( $token->line, $token->isMember ? $token->access : '', strtolower(str_replace('T_', '', token_name($token->type))), $token->name, docblock_excerpt($token->docblock) ); } return $view; } function format_table($map) { $out = array(); $column_widths = array_fill(0, count($map[0]), 0); foreach ($map as $row) { foreach ($row as $num => $col) { $column_widths[$num] = max($column_widths[$num], strlen($col)); } } foreach ($map as $row) { $line = ''; foreach ($row as $num => $col) { $line .= str_pad($col, $column_widths[$num] + 2); } $out[] = trim($line); } return implode("n", $out); } print( format_table( list_to_table( transform_tokens_to_list( token_get_all_improved( file_get_contents( isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : 'php://stdin'))))) . "n"); 

Вы можете использовать только скрипт, но я также написал сопровождающий режим emacs, который загружает результат в буфер и делает каждую строку «кликабельной», чтобы вы могли перейти к соответствующей позиции в файле. Возможно, это можно улучшить — я все еще новичок, когда дело доходит до шуток. Сохраните его как ~/site-lisp/php-tokens.el (или там, где находятся ваши пользовательские сценарии elisp).

 (defvar php-tokens-mode-target-buffer nil) (defun php-tokens-mode-find-occurrence () (let ((pos (get-text-property (point) 'occur-target))) (when pos (unless (buffer-live-p (get-buffer php-tokens-mode-target-buffer)) (error "Buffer for this occurrence was killed")) pos))) (defun php-tokens-mode-goto-occurrence (&optional event) "Go to the occurrence the current line describes." (interactive (list last-nonmenu-event)) (let ((pos (if (null event) ;; Actually `event-end' works correctly with a nil argument as ;; well, so we could dispense with this test, but let's not ;; rely on this undocumented behavior. (php-tokens-mode-find-occurrence) (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-end event))) (save-excursion (goto-char (posn-point (event-end event))) (php-tokens-mode-find-occurrence))))) same-window-buffer-names same-window-regexps) (pop-to-buffer php-tokens-mode-target-buffer) (goto-line pos))) (defun php-tokens-mode (buffer-name regexp) (pop-to-buffer buffer-name) (setq buffer-read-only nil) (let ((matchbeg 0) (origpt nil) (begpt nil) (contloop t) (endpt nil)) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) ;; begin searching in the buffer (while (and contloop (not (eobp))) (setq origpt (point)) (if (setq endpt (re-search-forward regexp nil t)) (add-text-properties (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position) (append `(mouse-face (highlight)) `(occur-target ,(string-to-number (match-string 0))))) (setq contloop nil))))) (local-set-key '[return] 'php-tokens-mode-goto-occurrence) (local-set-key '[mouse-1] 'php-tokens-mode-goto-occurrence)) (defgroup php-tokens nil "Generates an overview of PHP tokens" :group 'convenience) (defun php-tokens () "Lists tokens for a PHP-buffer" (interactive) (let* ((source-buffername (buffer-name)) (buffername "*php-tokens*") (contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))) (when (get-buffer buffername) (kill-buffer buffername)) (save-excursion (pop-to-buffer buffername) (with-temp-buffer (insert contents) (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) (format "php %s" (shell-quote-argument (expand-file-name "~/scripts/tokens.php"))) buffername nil)) (setq php-tokens-mode-target-buffer source-buffername) (php-tokens-mode buffername "^\([0-9]+\)[ ]+")))) (provide 'php-tokens) в том (defvar php-tokens-mode-target-buffer nil) (defun php-tokens-mode-find-occurrence () (let ((pos (get-text-property (point) 'occur-target))) (when pos (unless (buffer-live-p (get-buffer php-tokens-mode-target-buffer)) (error "Buffer for this occurrence was killed")) pos))) (defun php-tokens-mode-goto-occurrence (&optional event) "Go to the occurrence the current line describes." (interactive (list last-nonmenu-event)) (let ((pos (if (null event) ;; Actually `event-end' works correctly with a nil argument as ;; well, so we could dispense with this test, but let's not ;; rely on this undocumented behavior. (php-tokens-mode-find-occurrence) (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-end event))) (save-excursion (goto-char (posn-point (event-end event))) (php-tokens-mode-find-occurrence))))) same-window-buffer-names same-window-regexps) (pop-to-buffer php-tokens-mode-target-buffer) (goto-line pos))) (defun php-tokens-mode (buffer-name regexp) (pop-to-buffer buffer-name) (setq buffer-read-only nil) (let ((matchbeg 0) (origpt nil) (begpt nil) (contloop t) (endpt nil)) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) ;; begin searching in the buffer (while (and contloop (not (eobp))) (setq origpt (point)) (if (setq endpt (re-search-forward regexp nil t)) (add-text-properties (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position) (append `(mouse-face (highlight)) `(occur-target ,(string-to-number (match-string 0))))) (setq contloop nil))))) (local-set-key '[return] 'php-tokens-mode-goto-occurrence) (local-set-key '[mouse-1] 'php-tokens-mode-goto-occurrence)) (defgroup php-tokens nil "Generates an overview of PHP tokens" :group 'convenience) (defun php-tokens () "Lists tokens for a PHP-buffer" (interactive) (let* ((source-buffername (buffer-name)) (buffername "*php-tokens*") (contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))) (when (get-buffer buffername) (kill-buffer buffername)) (save-excursion (pop-to-buffer buffername) (with-temp-buffer (insert contents) (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) (format "php %s" (shell-quote-argument (expand-file-name "~/scripts/tokens.php"))) buffername nil)) (setq php-tokens-mode-target-buffer source-buffername) (php-tokens-mode buffername "^\([0-9]+\)[ ]+")))) (provide 'php-tokens) в том (defvar php-tokens-mode-target-buffer nil) (defun php-tokens-mode-find-occurrence () (let ((pos (get-text-property (point) 'occur-target))) (when pos (unless (buffer-live-p (get-buffer php-tokens-mode-target-buffer)) (error "Buffer for this occurrence was killed")) pos))) (defun php-tokens-mode-goto-occurrence (&optional event) "Go to the occurrence the current line describes." (interactive (list last-nonmenu-event)) (let ((pos (if (null event) ;; Actually `event-end' works correctly with a nil argument as ;; well, so we could dispense with this test, but let's not ;; rely on this undocumented behavior. (php-tokens-mode-find-occurrence) (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-end event))) (save-excursion (goto-char (posn-point (event-end event))) (php-tokens-mode-find-occurrence))))) same-window-buffer-names same-window-regexps) (pop-to-buffer php-tokens-mode-target-buffer) (goto-line pos))) (defun php-tokens-mode (buffer-name regexp) (pop-to-buffer buffer-name) (setq buffer-read-only nil) (let ((matchbeg 0) (origpt nil) (begpt nil) (contloop t) (endpt nil)) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) ;; begin searching in the buffer (while (and contloop (not (eobp))) (setq origpt (point)) (if (setq endpt (re-search-forward regexp nil t)) (add-text-properties (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position) (append `(mouse-face (highlight)) `(occur-target ,(string-to-number (match-string 0))))) (setq contloop nil))))) (local-set-key '[return] 'php-tokens-mode-goto-occurrence) (local-set-key '[mouse-1] 'php-tokens-mode-goto-occurrence)) (defgroup php-tokens nil "Generates an overview of PHP tokens" :group 'convenience) (defun php-tokens () "Lists tokens for a PHP-buffer" (interactive) (let* ((source-buffername (buffer-name)) (buffername "*php-tokens*") (contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))) (when (get-buffer buffername) (kill-buffer buffername)) (save-excursion (pop-to-buffer buffername) (with-temp-buffer (insert contents) (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) (format "php %s" (shell-quote-argument (expand-file-name "~/scripts/tokens.php"))) buffername nil)) (setq php-tokens-mode-target-buffer source-buffername) (php-tokens-mode buffername "^\([0-9]+\)[ ]+")))) (provide 'php-tokens) 

Чтобы использовать его, вы должны привязать функцию к клавише. Внесите следующие изменения в свой файл .emacs :

 (require 'php-tokens) (global-set-key '[f7] 'php-tokens)