
Управление осколками баз данных MySQL с помощью MySQL Fabric

Первоначально написано Мартином Арриета и Фернандо Ипар

Это четвертый пост в нашей серии MySQL Fabric. Если вы присоединитесь к нам сейчас, мы начали со вступительной статьи, а затем обсудили высокую доступность (HA) с использованием MySQL Fabric здесь (часть 1) и здесь (часть 2). Сегодня мы поговорим о том, как MySQL Fabric может помочь вам масштабировать базы данных MySQL с помощью шардинга.


На момент написания MySQL Fabric включал поддержку шардинга на основе диапазона и хеша. Как и в случае HA, функциональность разделяется между клиентом через соединитель с поддержкой MySQL Fabric; и сервер, через утилиту mysqlfabric и сервер XML-RPC, о котором мы говорили ранее.

В этом посте мы рассмотрим процесс настройки таблицы для использования с MySQL Fabric, а затем рассмотрим несколько примеров использования, снова используя коннектор Python.

В нашем следующем посте мы поговорим об операциях управления осколками и более подробно расскажем о том, как мы можем объединить функции Sharding и HA в MySQL Fabric.


Для наших примеров мы будем использовать ветвь шардинга из нашего хранилища vagrant-fabric . Если вы следили за предыдущими сообщениями и у вас уже есть локальная копия репо, вы можете получить ее, просто выполнив следующую команду:

 git checkout sharding

from the root of your copy. Bear in mind that the node names are the same in the Vagrantfile, so while in theory  just running vagrant provision should be enough, you may have to run vagrant destroy and vagrant up again, if you hit unexpected behavior.

The only difference between this branch and the original one is that you’ll have two mysqld instances per node: one on port 3306 and one on port 13306. This will let us achieve high availability for our shard groups. But don’t worry about that for now, it’s something we’ll discuss more in depth in our next post.

In today’s examples, we’ll be using the three group architecture described by this diagram:

Ограждающая структура ткани

The blue boxes represent shard-groups and the green box represent the global-group. The red arrows indicate the flow of replication and the violet arrows represent client connections.

Setting up sharding

The official documentation about sharding with MySQL Fabric can be found here. We’ll be using the same example employees database and shard the salaries table.

As we said, to keep things simple for the introduction, we’ll create all the groups but only add one instance to each one of them. In our next post, we’ll use two instances per group to evaluate how MySQL Fabric can make our shards highly available, and how it can rearrange replication topologies automatically after a failure.

To start, let’s create three groups:

[vagrant@store ~]$ mysqlfabric group create salaries-global
Procedure :
{ uuid = 390aa6c0-acda-40e2-ad52-8c0869613635,
finished = True,
success = True,
return = True,
activities =
[vagrant@store ~]$ for i in 1 2; do mysqlfabric group create salaries-$i; done
Procedure :
{ uuid = 274742a2-5e84-49b8-8446-5a8fc55f1899,
finished = True,
success = True,
return = True,
activities =
Procedure :
{ uuid = 408cfd6a-ff3a-493e-b39b-a3241d83fda6,
finished = True,
success = True,
return = True,
activities =

The global group will be used to propagate schema changes and to store unpartitioned data. Think of configuration tables that don’t need to be sharded, for example.

The other two groups will host shards, that is, tables that will have the same structure across all the nodes, but not the same data (and that will be empty in the global group’s nodes).

Now, let’s add one instance to each group:

[vagrant@store ~]$ mysqlfabric group add salaries-global node1:3306
Procedure :
{ uuid = 0d0f657c-9304-4e3f-bf5b-a63a5e2e4390,
finished = True,
success = True,
return = True,
activities =
[vagrant@store ~]$ mysqlfabric group add salaries-1 node2:3306
Procedure :
{ uuid = b0ee9a52-49a2-416e-bdfd-eda9a384f308,
finished = True,
success = True,
return = True,
activities =
[vagrant@store ~]$ mysqlfabric group add salaries-2 node3:3306
Procedure :
{ uuid = ea5d8fc5-d4f9-48b1-b349-49520aa74e41,
finished = True,
success = True,
return = True,
activities =

We also need to promote the groups. Even though each group has a single node, MySQL Fabric sets up that node as SECONDARY, which means it can’t take writes.

[vagrant@store ~]$ mysqlfabric group promote salaries-global
Procedure :
{ uuid = 5e764b97-281a-49f0-b486-25088a96d96b,
finished = True,
success = True,
return = True,
activities =
[vagrant@store ~]$ for i in 1 2; do mysqlfabric group promote salaries-$i; done
Procedure :
{ uuid = 7814e96f-71d7-4865-a278-cb6ed32a2d11,
finished = True,
success = True,
return = True,
activities =
Procedure :
{ uuid = cd30e9a9-b9ea-4b2d-a8ae-5e70f22363d6,
finished = True,
success = True,
return = True,
activities =

Finally, we are ready to create a shard definition and associate ranges to groups:

[vagrant@store ~]$ mysqlfabric sharding create_definition RANGE salaries-global
Procedure :
{ uuid = fffcbb5f-24c6-47a2-9348-f1d810c8ef2f,
finished = True,
success = True,
return = 1,
activities =
[vagrant@store ~]$ mysqlfabric sharding add_table 1 employees.salaries emp_no
Procedure :
{ uuid = 8d0a3c51-d543-49a6-b47a-36a4ab499ab4,
finished = True,
success = True,
return = True,
activities =
[vagrant@store ~]$ mysqlfabric sharding add_shard 1 "salaries-1/1, salaries-2/25000" --state=ENABLED
Procedure :
{ uuid = 2585a5ea-a097-44a4-89fa-a948298d0595,
finished = True,
success = True,
return = True,
activities =

The integer after each shard group is the lower bound for emp_no values found on that shard.

After the last command, the shard groups should be replicating off the global one. We can verify that this is the case by checking salaries-3:

[vagrant@node3 ~]$ mysql -uroot -e 'show slave statusG'
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
Master_Host: node1
Master_User: fabric
Master_Port: 3306
Connect_Retry: 60
Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000001
Read_Master_Log_Pos: 151
Relay_Log_File: mysqld-relay-bin.000002
Relay_Log_Pos: 361
Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000001
Slave_IO_Running: Yes
Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
Last_Errno: 0
Skip_Counter: 0
Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 151
Relay_Log_Space: 566
Until_Condition: None
Until_Log_Pos: 0
Master_SSL_Allowed: No
Seconds_Behind_Master: 0
Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No
Last_IO_Errno: 0
Last_SQL_Errno: 0
Master_Server_Id: 870101
Master_UUID: e34ab4cd-00b9-11e4-8ced-0800274fb806
Master_Info_File: /var/lib/mysql/master.info
SQL_Delay: 0
SQL_Remaining_Delay: NULL
Slave_SQL_Running_State: Slave has read all relay log; waiting for the slave I/O thread to update it
Master_Retry_Count: 86400
Auto_Position: 1

Looks good. Let’s go ahead and create the database schema. To avoid being too verbose, we’re only including the create statement for the salaries table in this example. Notice we run this on the PRIMARY node for the global group:

[vagrant@node1 ~]$ mysql -uroot
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 8
Server version: 5.6.19-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input statement.
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> USE employees;
Database changed
mysql> CREATE TABLE salaries (
-> emp_no INT NOT NULL,
-> salary INT NOT NULL,
-> from_date DATE NOT NULL,
-> to_date DATE NOT NULL,
-> KEY (emp_no));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)

And again, check that it made it to the shard groups:

[vagrant@node2 ~]$ mysql -uroot -e 'show databases'
| Database |
| information_schema |
| employees |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |

Good. We’re now ready to use the Python connector and load some data into this table. We’ll be using the following script:

import mysql.connector
from mysql.connector import fabric
from mysql.connector import errors
import time
import random
import datetime
config = {
    'fabric': {
        'host': 'store',
        'port': 8080,
        'username': 'admin',
        'password': 'admin',
        'report_errors': True
    'user': 'fabric',
    'password': 'f4bric',
    'database': 'employees',
    'autocommit': 'true'
from_min = datetime.datetime(1980,1,1,00,00,00)
to_max = datetime.datetime(2014,1,1,00,00,00)
fcnx = None
print "starting loop"
while 1:
    if fcnx == None:
	print "connecting"
        fcnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config)
	print "will run query"
        emp_no = random.randint(1,50000)
        salary = random.randint(1,200000)
        from_date = from_min + datetime.timedelta(seconds=random.randint(0, int((to_max - from_min).total_seconds())))
        to_date = from_min + datetime.timedelta(seconds=random.randint(0, int((to_max - from_min).total_seconds())))
        fcnx.set_property(tables=["employees.salaries"], key=emp_no, mode=fabric.MODE_READWRITE)
        cur = fcnx.cursor()
        cur.execute("insert into employees.salaries (emp_no,salary,from_date,to_date) values (%s, %s, %s, %s)",(emp_no,salary,from_date,to_date))
	print "inserted", emp_no, ", will now sleep 1 second"
    except (errors.DatabaseError, errors.InterfaceError):
        print "sleeping 1 second and reconnecting"
        del fcnx
        fcnx = None

This is similar to the script we used in our HA post. It inserts rows with random data in an endless loop. The sleep on every iteration is there just to make it easier to cancel the script, and to keep row insert rate under control.

If you leave this running for a while, you should then be able to check the global server and individual shards, and confirm they have different data:

[vagrant@store ~]$ for i in 1 2 3; do mysql -ufabric -pf4bric -hnode$i -e "select count(emp_no),max(emp_no) from employees.salaries"; done
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
| count(emp_no) | max(emp_no) |
|             0 |        NULL |
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
| count(emp_no) | max(emp_no) |
|            36 |       24982 |
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
| count(emp_no) | max(emp_no) |
|            43 |       49423 |

As you can see, the global group’s server has no data for this table, and each shard’s server has data within the defined boundaries.

Querying data is done similarly (though with a READ_ONLY connection), and we can also lookup the group a row belongs to using the mysqlfabric utility directly:

[vagrant@store ~]$ mysqlfabric sharding lookup_servers employees.salaries 2045
Command :
{ success     = True
  return      = [['ecab7dd2-00b9-11e4-8cee-0800274fb806', 'node2:3306', True]]
  activities  =
[vagrant@store ~]$ mysqlfabric sharding lookup_servers employees.salaries 142045
Command :
{ success     = True
  return      = [['f8a90096-00b9-11e4-8cee-0800274fb806', 'node3:3306', True]]
  activities  =

Bear in mind that this lookups only use the fabric store, which means they can tell you on which servers a given row may be, but can’t confirm if the row exists or not. You need to actually query the given servers for that. If you use the connector, both steps are done for you when you issue the query.

The following code snippets illustrate the point:

>>> fcnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config)
>>> emp_no = random.randint(1,50000)
>>> fcnx.set_property(tables=["employees.salaries"], key=emp_no, mode=fabric.MODE_READONLY)
>>> cur = fcnx.cursor()
>>> cur.execute("select count(*) as cnt from employees.salaries where emp_no = %s", (emp_no,))
>>> for row in cur:
...     print row
>>> fcnx.set_property(tables=["employees.salaries"], key=20734, mode=fabric.MODE_READONLY)
>>> cur = fcnx.cursor()
>>> cur.execute("select count(*) as cnt from employees.salaries where emp_no = 20734")
>>> for row in cur:
...     print row

In our examples, we connected directly to the PRIMARY node of the global group in order to execute DDL statements, but the same can be done requesting a global connection to MySQL Fabric, like so:

cur = fcnx.cursor()
cur.execute("USE employees")
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE test (id int not null primary key)")

We can see that the table gets replicated as expected:

[vagrant@node3 ~]$ mysql -uroot -e 'show tables from employees'
| Tables_in_employees |
| salaries            |
| test                |

Note that we’re explicitly indicating we want to connect to the global group here. When establishing a MySQL Fabric connection, we need to specify either a group name or a key and table pair (as in the insert example).


Today we’ve presented the basics of how MySQL Fabric can help you scale out by sharding, but we’ve intentionally left a few things out of the picture to keep this example simple.

In our next post, we’ll see how we can combine MySQL Fabric’s HA and sharding features, what support we have for shard operations and how HASH sharding works in MySQL Fabric.