
Spring: внедрение списков, карт, опций и ловушек getBeansOfType ()

Если вы используете Spring Framework больше недели, вы, вероятно, знаете об этой функции. Предположим, у вас есть более одного компонента, реализующего данный интерфейс. Попытка автоматического подключения только одного компонента такого интерфейса обречена на неудачу, потому что Spring не знает, какой именно экземпляр вам нужен. Вы можете обойти это, используя  @Primary аннотацию, чтобы обозначить ровно одну « самую важную » реализацию, которая будет иметь приоритет над другими. Но есть много законных случаев использования, когда вы хотите внедрить  все bean-компоненты, реализующие указанный интерфейс. Например, у вас есть несколько валидаторов, которые все должны быть выполнены до бизнес-логики, или несколько реализаций алгоритмов, которые вы хотите использовать одновременно. Автоматическое обнаружение всех реализаций во время выполнения является фантастической иллюстрацией принципа « открыто / закрыто» : вы можете легко добавить новое поведение в бизнес-логику (валидаторы, алгоритмы, стратегии —  открытые  для расширения), не касаясь самой бизнес-логики ( закрытой  для модификации). 

На всякий случай я начну с краткого вступления, не стесняйтесь переходить сразу к следующим разделам Итак, давайте возьмем конкретный пример. Представьте, что у вас есть  StringCallableинтерфейс и несколько реализаций:

interface StringCallable extends Callable<String> { }
class Third implements StringCallable {
    public String call() {
        return "3";
class Forth implements StringCallable {
    public String call() {
        return "4";
class Fifth implements StringCallable {
    public String call() throws Exception {
        return "5";

Теперь мы можем вводить  List<StringCallable>Set<StringCallable> или даже Map<String, StringCallable> ( String представляет имя боба) для любого другого класса. Для упрощения я делаю инъекцию в тестовый пример:

@SpringBootApplication public class Bootstrap { }
@ContextConfiguration(classes = Bootstrap)
class BootstrapTest extends Specification {
    List<StringCallable> list;
    Set<StringCallable> set;
    Map<String, StringCallable> map;
    def 'injecting all instances of StringCallable'() {
            list.size() == 3
            set.size() == 3
            map.keySet() == ['third', 'forth', 'fifth'].toSet()
    def 'enforcing order of injected beans in List'() {
            def result = list.collect { it.call() }
            result == ['3', '4', '5']
    def 'enforcing order of injected beans in Set'() {
            def result = set.collect { it.call() }
            result == ['3', '4', '5']
    def 'enforcing order of injected beans in Map'() {
            def result = map.values().collect { it.call() }
            result == ['3', '4', '5']

Пока все хорошо, но только первые тесты, вы можете догадаться, почему?

Condition not satisfied:
result == ['3', '4', '5']
|      |
|      false
[3, 5, 4]

After all, why did we make an assumption that beans will be injected in the same order as they were… declared? Alphabetically? Luckily one can enforce the order with Orderedinterface:

interface StringCallable extends Callable<String>, Ordered {
class Third implements StringCallable {
    @Override public int getOrder() {
        return Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE;
class Forth implements StringCallable {
    @Override public int getOrder() {
        return Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE + 1;
class Fifth implements StringCallable {
    @Override public int getOrder() {
        return Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE + 2;

Interestingly, even though Spring internally injects LinkedHashMap andLinkedHashSet, only List is properly ordered. I guess it’s not documented and least surprising. To end this introduction, in Java 8 you can also inject Optional<MyService>which works as expected: injects a dependency only if it’s available. Optional dependencies can appear e.g. when using profiles extensively and some beans are not bootstrapped in some profiles.

Composite pattern

Dealing with lists is quite cumbersome. Most of the time you want to iterate over them so in order to avoid duplication it’s useful to encapsulate such list in a dedicated wrapper:

public class Caller {
    private final List<StringCallable> callables;
    public Caller(List<StringCallable> callables) {
        this.callables = callables;
    public String doWork() {
        return callables.stream()

Our wrapper simply calls all underlying callables one after another and joins their results:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = Bootstrap)
class CallerTest extends Specification {
    Caller caller
    def 'Caller should invoke all StringCallbles'() {
            def result = caller.doWork()
            result == '3|4|5'

It’s somewhat controversial, but often this wrapper implements the same interface as well, effectively implementing composite classic design pattern:

public class Caller implements StringCallable {
    private final List<StringCallable> callables;
    public Caller(List<StringCallable> callables) {
        this.callables = callables;
    public String call() {
        return callables.stream()

Thanks to @Primary we can simply autowire StringCallable everywhere as if there was just one bean while in fact there are multiple and we inject composite. This is useful when refactoring old application as it preserves backward compatibility.

Why am I even starting with all these basics? If you look very closely, code snippet above introduces chicken and egg problem: an instance of StringCallable requires all instances of StringCallable, so technically speaking callables list should includeCaller as well. But Caller is currently being created, so it’s impossible. This makes a lot of sense and luckily Spring recognizes this special case. But in more advanced scenarios this can bite you. Further down the road a new developer introduced this:

public class EnterpriseyManagerFactoryProxyHelperDispatcher {
    private final Caller caller;
    public EnterpriseyManagerFactoryProxyHelperDispatcher(Caller caller) {
        this.caller = caller;

Nothing wrong so far, except the class name. But what happens if one of theStringCallables has a dependency on it?

class Fifth implements StringCallable {
    private final EnterpriseyManagerFactoryProxyHelperDispatcher dispatcher;
    public Fifth(EnterpriseyManagerFactoryProxyHelperDispatcher dispatcher) {
        this.dispatcher = dispatcher;

We now created a circular dependency, and because we inject via constructors (as it was always meant to be), Spring slaps us in the face on startup:

    Error creating bean with name 'caller' defined in file ...
    Error creating bean with name 'fifth' defined in file ...
    Error creating bean with name 'enterpriseyManagerFactoryProxyHelperDispatcher' defined in file ...
    Error creating bean with name 'caller': Requested bean is currently in creation: 
        Is there an unresolvable circular reference?

Stay with me, I’m building the climax here. This is clearly a bug, that can unfortunately be fixed with field injection (or setter for that matter):

public class Caller {
    private List<StringCallable> callables;
    public String doWork() {
        return callables.stream()

By decoupling bean creation from injection (impossible with constructor injection) we can now create a circular dependency graph, where Caller holds an instance of Fifth class which references Enterprisey..., which in turns references back to the same Callerinstance. Cycles in dependency graph are a design smell, leading to unmaintainable graph of spaghetti relationships. Please avoid them and if constructor injection can entirely prevent them, that’s even better.

Meeting getBeansOfType()

Interestingly there is another solution that goes straight to Spring guts:ListableBeanFactory.getBeansOfType():

public class Caller {
    private final List<StringCallable> callables;
    public Caller(ListableBeanFactory beanFactory) {
        callables = new ArrayList<>(beanFactory.getBeansOfType(StringCallable.class).values());
    public String doWork() {
        return callables.stream()

Problem solved? Quite the opposite!getBeansOfType() will silently skip (well, there isTRACE and DEBUG log…) beans under creation and only returns those already existing. Therefor Callerwas just created and container started successfully, while it no longer references Fifth bean. You might say I asked for it because we have a circular dependency so weird things happens. But it’s an inherent feature of getBeansOfType(). In order to understand why using getBeansOfType() during container startup is a bad idea, have a look at the following scenario (unimportant code omitted):

class Alpha {
    static { log.info("Class loaded"); }
    public Alpha(ListableBeanFactory beanFactory) {
        log.info("Constructor (beta?):  {}", beanFactory.getBeansOfType(Beta.class).keySet());
        log.info("Constructor (gamma?): {}", beanFactory.getBeansOfType(Gamma.class).keySet());
    public void init() {
        log.info("@PostConstruct (beta?):  {}", beanFactory.getBeansOfType(Beta.class).keySet());
        log.info("@PostConstruct (gamma?): {}", beanFactory.getBeansOfType(Gamma.class).keySet());
class Beta {
    static { log.info("Class loaded"); }
    public Beta(ListableBeanFactory beanFactory) {
        log.info("Constructor (alpha?): {}", beanFactory.getBeansOfType(Alpha.class).keySet());
        log.info("Constructor (gamma?): {}", beanFactory.getBeansOfType(Gamma.class).keySet());
    public void init() {
        log.info("@PostConstruct (alpha?): {}", beanFactory.getBeansOfType(Alpha.class).keySet());
        log.info("@PostConstruct (gamma?): {}", beanFactory.getBeansOfType(Gamma.class).keySet());
class Gamma {
    static { log.info("Class loaded"); }
    public Gamma() {
    public void init() {

The log output reveals how Spring internally loads and resolves classes:

Alpha: | Class loaded
Alpha: | Constructor
Beta:  | Class loaded
Beta:  | Constructor
Beta:  | Constructor (alpha?): []
Gamma: | Class loaded
Gamma: | Constructor
Gamma: | @PostConstruct
Beta:  | Constructor (gamma?): [gamma]
Beta:  | @PostConstruct (alpha?): []
Beta:  | @PostConstruct (gamma?): [gamma]
Alpha: | Constructor (beta?):  [beta]
Alpha: | Constructor (gamma?): [gamma]
Alpha: | @PostConstruct (beta?):  [beta]
Alpha: | @PostConstruct (gamma?): [gamma]

Spring framework first loads Alpha and tries to instantiate a bean. However when runninggetBeansOfType(Beta.class) it discovers Beta so proceeds with loading and instantiating that one. Inside Beta we can immediately spot the problem: when Beta asks for beanFactory.getBeansOfType(Alpha.class) it gets no results ([]). Spring will silently ignore Alpha, because it’s currently under creation. Later everything is as expected: Gamma is loaded, constructed and injected, Beta sees Gamma and when we return to Alpha, everything is in place. Notice that even moving getBeansOfType() to@PostConstruct method doesn’t help — these callbacks aren’t executed in the end, when all beans are instantiated — but while the container starts up.


getBeansOfType() is rarely needed and turns out to be unpredictable if you have cyclic dependencies. Of course you should avoid them in the first place and if you properly inject dependencies via collections, Spring can predictably handle the lifecycle of all beans and either wire them correctly or fail at runtime. In presence of circular dependencies betweens beans (sometimes accidental or very long in terms of nodes and edges in dependency graph) getBeansOfType() can yield different results depending on factors we have no control over, like CLASSPATH order.

PS: Kudos to Jakub Kubryński for troubleshooting getBeansOfType().