
Просмотр исходного кода гобелена

Простая реализация SourceCodeViewer будет иметь сервис для добавления и перечисления исходного кода и компонент для его отображения.

public interface SourceCodeService {

     * This method contributes a source code resource.
     * @param sourceCodeContribution
    void add(SourceCodeResource sourceCodeContribution);

     * This method contributes a source code resource.
     * @param type
     * @param resource
    void add(String type, Resource resource);

     * This method contributes an optional source code resource.
     * @param type
     * @param resource
    void addOptional(String type, Resource resource);

     * This method adds a java source code for a given class.
     * @param clazz
    void add(Class<?> clazz);

     * This method contributes a java and template file
     * @param clazz
    void addComponent(Class<?> clazz);

     * This method adds a java and template file for a
     * component(page/component/mixin) with the given name.
     * @param componentName
    void addComponent(String componentName);

     * @return all source code resources.
    Set<SourceCodeResource> getSourceCodeResources();

public class SourceCodeServiceImpl implements SourceCodeService {

    private final Set<SourceCodeResource> resources = new HashSet<SourceCodeResource>();

    private final AssetSource assetSource;

    public SourceCodeServiceImpl(final AssetSource assetSource) {

        this.assetSource = assetSource;

    public void add(final SourceCodeResource sourceCodeContribution) {


    public void add(final String type, final Resource resource) {

        add(new SourceCodeResource(type, resource));

    public Set<SourceCodeResource> getSourceCodeResources() {

        return this.resources;

    public void add(final Class<?> clazz) {

        add(SourceCodeResource.JAVA, getResourcePathFromClass(clazz, "java"));

    public void addComponent(final Class<?> clazz) {

        add(SourceCodeResource.TML, getResourcePathFromClass(clazz, "tml"));
                getResourcePathFromClass(clazz, "properties"));

    public void addComponent(final String componentClass) {

                getResourcePathFromClassName(componentClass, "java"));
                getResourcePathFromClassName(componentClass, "tml"));
                getResourcePathFromClassName(componentClass, "properties"));

    private Resource getResourcePathFromClassName(final String componentClass,
            final String extension) {

        return this.assetSource.resourceForPath("classpath:/"
                + componentClass.replace('.', '/') + "." + extension);

    private Resource getResourcePathFromClass(final Class<?> clazz,
            final String extension) {

        return this.assetSource.resourceForPath("classpath:/"
                + clazz.getCanonicalName().replace('.', '/') + "." + extension);

    public void addOptional(final String type, final Resource resource) {

        add(new SourceCodeResource(type, resource, true));


public class SourceCodeResource {

    /** CSS resource type */
    public static final String CSS = "css";

    /** JavaScript resource type */
    public static final String JS = "js";

    /** Java resource type */
    public static final String JAVA = "java";

    /** Tapestry Template resource type */
    public static final String TML = "xml";

    /** Properties file resource type */
    public static final String PROPERTIES = "properties";

    private final String type;

    private final Resource resource;

    private final boolean optional;

    public SourceCodeResource(final String type, final Resource resource,
            final boolean optional) {

        this.type = type;
        this.resource = resource;
        this.optional = optional;

    public SourceCodeResource(final String type, final Resource resource) {

        this(type, resource, false);

    public String getType() {

        return this.type;

    public Resource getResource() {

        return this.resource;

    public boolean getOptional() {

        return this.optional;

    public int hashCode() {

        return this.resource.hashCode();

    public boolean equals(final Object other) {

        if (other == this) {
            return true;

        if (other == null || !(other instanceof SourceCodeResource)) {
            return false;

        final SourceCodeResource otherResource = (SourceCodeResource) other;

        return this.resource.equals(otherResource.getResource());

SourceCodeViewer предполагает, что исходный код был скопирован в каталог build / target.

public class SourceCodeViewer {

    /** Class name. */
    private static final String CLASS_NAME = SourceCodeViewer.class

    private SourceCodeService sourceCodeService;

    private SourceCodeResource sourceCodeResource;

    private List<SourceCodeResource> sourceCodeResources;

    private int index;

    void setupSourceCodeResources() {

        this.sourceCodeResources = new ArrayList<SourceCodeResource>(
                new Comparator<SourceCodeResource>() {

                    public int compare(final SourceCodeResource o1,
                            final SourceCodeResource o2) {

                        final int result = o1.getType().toLowerCase()

                        if (result != 0) {
                            return result;

                        return o1


     * @return resource exists
    public boolean getResourceExists(){
        return !this.sourceCodeResource.getOptional() || this.sourceCodeResource.getResource().exists();

     * @return String
    public String getSource() {

        // Declare/Initialize
        final ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream;

        try {

            final Resource resource = this.sourceCodeResource.getResource();

            outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

            TapestryInternalUtils.copy(resource.openStream(), outputStream);

        } catch (final Exception e) {

            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "The source code [" + this.sourceCodeResource.getResource()
                            + "] is not available.", e);

        return new String(outputStream.toByteArray());


<t:container xmlns:t='http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_3.xsd'>
    <div class='accordion' id='sourceAccordion'>
        <t:loop t:source='sourceCodeResources' t:value='sourceCodeResource'
            <t:if test='resourceExists'>
                <div class='accordion-group'>
                    <div class='accordion-heading'>

                        <a href='#Resource_${index}' class='accordion-toggle'
                            ${sourceCodeResource.resource.path} </a>
                    <div id='Resource_${index}'
                         class='accordion-body collapse in'>

                        <pre class='${sourceCodeResource.type}'


Теперь давайте применим к нему магию гобелена. Мы можем использовать преобразования классов для автоматического добавления исходного кода для компонентов / страниц / смесей.

public @interface ShowSourceCode {

     * This method adds additional classes to be contributed to
     * {@link SourceCodeService}
     * @return additional classes to be contributed
    Class<?>[] additionalClasses() default {};

     * Resources for which source code to be attached.
     * @return resources
    SourceCode[] resources() default {};

     * Whether to use resources imported via {@link Import}
     * @return use import.
    boolean useImport() default true;

public @interface SourceCode {

     * The resource path which uses the same path pattern as tapestry.
     * @return resource path.
    String value();

     * Resource type.
     * @return resource type
    String type() default "xml";

     * Is the source-code optional. If set to false and the resource is not
     * found an exception is thrown.
     * @return optional
    boolean optional() default false;

Таким образом, эта аннотация позволяет нам добавлять исходный код четырьмя различными способами.

  1. Просто аннотируйте класс component / page / mixins с помощью @ShowSourceCode, чтобы добавить их исходный код.
  2. Использование @ ShowSourceCode # useImport () для включения исходного кода из аннотации @Import
  3. Используйте @ ShowSourceCode # AdditionalClasses для включения дополнительных (некомпонентных) классов
  4. Используйте ресурсы @ ShowSourceCode # для добавления дополнительных ресурсов.

Все это делается реализацией ComponentClassTransformWorker2

public class ShowSourceCodeWorker implements ComponentClassTransformWorker2 {

    private final SourceCodeService sourceCodeService;

    private final AssetSource assetSource;

    public ShowSourceCodeWorker(final SourceCodeService sourceCodeService,
            final AssetSource assetSource) {

        this.sourceCodeService = sourceCodeService;
        this.assetSource = assetSource;

    public void transform(final PlasticClass plasticClass,
            @SuppressWarnings("unused") final TransformationSupport support,
            final MutableComponentModel model) {

        if (plasticClass.hasAnnotation(ShowSourceCode.class)) {
            final PlasticMethod setupRender = plasticClass
            final ShowSourceCode showSourceCode = plasticClass

            addAdvice(setupRender, model.getBaseResource(), showSourceCode,



    private void addAdvice(final PlasticMethod method,
            final Resource baseResource, final ShowSourceCode showSourceCodeAnnotation,
            final Import importAnnotation) {

        method.addAdvice(new MethodAdvice() {

            public void advise(final MethodInvocation invocation) {

                final ComponentResources resources = invocation
                final Class<?> pageClass = invocation.getInstanceContext()

                addResources(showSourceCodeAnnotation.resources(), resources.getLocale(),

                if (showSourceCodeAnnotation.useImport() && importAnnotation != null) {
                    addAssets(SourceCodeResource.JS, importAnnotation.library(), baseResource,
                    addAssets(SourceCodeResource.CSS, importAnnotation.stylesheet(), baseResource,



    private void addResources(final SourceCode[] sourceCodes,
            final Locale locale, final Resource baseResource) {

        for (final SourceCode sourceCode : sourceCodes) {
            this.sourceCodeService.add(new SourceCodeResource(
                    sourceCode.type(), this.assetSource.getAsset(baseResource,
                    sourceCode.value(), locale).getResource(),

    private void addComponent(final Class<?> pageClass) {


    private void addAdditionalClasses(final Class<?>[] additionalClasses) {

        for (final Class<?> clazz : additionalClasses) {

    private void addAssets(final String type, final String[] libraries,
            final Resource baseResource, final Locale locale) {

        for (final String library : libraries) {
            this.sourceCodeService.add(type, this.assetSource.getAsset(
                    baseResource, library, locale).getResource());


Работник использует SourceCodeService для добавления различных ресурсов. Для компонентов мы используем AssetSource для получения ресурсов относительно компонентов.

Наконец, мы должны добавить ComponentClassTransformWorker2 в AppModule

public static void bind(final ServiceBinder binder) {

        binder.bind(SourceCodeService.class, SourceCodeServiceImpl.class)

    public static void contributeWorkers(
            final OrderedConfiguration<ComponentClassTransformWorker2>
                    workers) {

        workers.addInstance("ShowSourceCode", ShowSourceCodeWorker.class,

Не забудьте скопировать исходный код Java. Для maven2 вы можете сделать это, добавив это в pom.xml
